Returns / Refunds / Cancellation

Right to Withdrawal

In accordance with the Customer Contracts Regulations 2014, the customer has the right to a cooling off period of fourteen (14) calendar days, starting at the time goods are received, to cancel the contract and return said goods at their own expense and without having to give a reason. All returns should be advised  beforehand with Parts For Aircraft Ltd's customer service department. All goods must be returned to Parts For Aircraft Ltd, Unit 256 Lisburn Enterprise Centre, Lisburn BT28 2BP (United KIngdom). 

The cooling off period and right to cancel do not apply to contracts, orders for any goods made to your specification such as, but not limited to, items cut to length and goods that we do not stock (not featured on our website) but have been specifically ordered from one of our suppliers.  

Only complete and unused goods in perfect condition for resale will be accepted. No refunds or exchanges will be made for incomplete, damaged or unsealed goods, including damage to original packaging. The customer can exercise this right to withdrawal without penalty, excepting the return fee for the goods. If the customer exercises the right to withdrawal, they have the option of requesting a full refund or exchange of goods. If an exchange is requested, all shipping expenses shall be the responsibility of the customer.

If the right to withdrawal is exercised, Parts For Aircraft Ltd. will make every effort to refund the customer within 30 days.

Parts For Aircraft Ltd


  EU Customers - NO TAX or CHARGES on delivery 

We are located in Northern Ireland and will continue to export under EU Customs Rules (unlike companies in the rest of the UK). Nothing changes because of Brexit. You continue to pay the vat inclusive prices on our website and you will not pay any tax or tariffs upon delivery. Businesses in the EU can enter their vat number at checkout and we will zero rate the sale. 

And of course, there is no change for our customers throughout the United Kingdom.